How To Detangle A Hair Knot

STOP! You’ve hit a snag (a big one!); this is no time to lose your cool. It’s all about finesse not force. I discovered this trick when I hit the mother of all snags in my own hair when I was doing a bantu knot. Guess there’s a reason ‘knot’ is in the name…jokes aside, this is what I did:

  1. STOP – put down the comb/brush and move straight to your fingers.

  2. WATER – Go to the sink or shower and take that section and run water over it while carefully pulling hairs.

  3. CONDITION – Bust out the conditioner and slather that section up. Gently rub it into the hair and begin gently pull strands out


  5. CUT your losses – if all else fails, cut it as close to the knot as possible and move on

What do you do when you have a knot?