What Should I Do for Healthy Scalp Care for Natural Hair?
Our salon team decided we wanted to share some of our tried and true techniques to caring for and maintaining healthy natural hair. In this series, “Natural Hair Basics”, we will tackle some of our most asked salon questions.
Today’s Topic: Scalp Care
For your hair to grow your SCALP needs to be in a healthy condition. That’s where the roots of your hair are, the blood vessels that carry the nourishment necessary to create the environment for healthy hair growth.
It is important to “blank slate” or create a “clean canvas” by thoroughly cleansing ~ Jacqui
Product, dirt and debris, dead skin can sit on the scalp and clog the pores and create a less than optimal condition for your hair to grow. Yes, it is important to “blank slate” or create a “clean canvas” by thoroughly cleansing your hair, but it is just as or maybe even more important to thoroughly cleanse the scalp.
Use your fingertips, not your fingernails. Now I understand a good scratching is necessary during a shampoo. Personally, my hair and scalp don’t feel clean if I don’t get it, and it feels heavenly. I will say to “scratch responsibly.” The point is to create and keep a healthy scalp environment that sets the stage for maximum hair growth.